Sunday, October 31, 2010

Catch up one story at a time

It's been forever, so I will start tonight with one update. That would be that a stork has placed two baby's on our doorstep (or trailer) and deemed us their new family. And when I say baby's I mean baby kittens. Yes, cute, adorable, white baby kittens. They were so little that they just barely had their eyes open which means they were 10 days to two weeks old. The mamma had moved them into our trailer one day and Blake was getting it ready for a job when he found them. He had to take the trailer to work so the kittens were removed. I put them in a box and would leave them outside hoping the mom would come back. I brought them in at night and would feed them by syringe. Well, the mom came walking right passed our back door when I had them inside so I grabbed them and opened the door but the mom bolted over the fence. I raced to the wooded fence and hold up a kitten as it was meowing hoping the mom would hear it and come back. To my surprise I heard the mom hissing at me so as I was pulling the kitten back over the fence she jumped up on the fence right were I was and jumped right back down because I was RIGHT there. I put the kittens down and walked away. I waited there for a few minutes but alas no mom coming to rescue her babies. So I went back over there to put them back in the box to stay warm when the hissing started again. I quickly went away and left them there the rest of the afternoon but no such luck, I scared her off. So they are now probably about 8 weeks old and I had to bottle feed them for about a month. They are now littered trained and eating solid food. They were too cute to give away. Kaden claimed one his from the beginning and named it Dot because of the brown dot on its head. He would always and say where is the dotted one that's mine. Blake and I named the other one pearl because he is all white except for his tail. That one is also a mutant because he has a sixth claw between the thumb and pointer paws. So it looks like he has a huge thumb that sticks out on the side instead of a normal paw. So here are pictures of them and that is my update on the kittens. More stories and adventure to come.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Update with pictures

Okay, here are some pictures from the last 3 or 4 months.

So there back in June I walked down stairs and was startled by a moving animal in my window well. To my surprise there was a SKUNK!!! Yes folks, a skunk in my window well. Wonderful! How was I suppose to get a skunk out of a 5 foot deep window well?! I definitely didn't want it to spray because then my house would smell forever. So I walked over to my neighbors and asked what he would do. Well, it turns out that they had the same problem 4 years ago. He just threw rat poison down there and killed it. Which in killing it, it didn't spray but it does smell, so his basement smelled for quite a while and he said that the other day he was down in the well getting a toy and he could still smell it, four years later!!! Well, I had the brillant thought of sticking a long log down there for the skunk to climb up and out. So I very carefully lowered a log down into the window well. That night when the skunk decided to wake up for the night we sat on a couch in front of the window downstairs as a family to watch it climb out. What great entertainment! We sat there for about an hour watching it try to climb up the sides of the metal and walking around in circles. It only tried the log once and fell then didn't try again. It was bound and determined to climb up the metal sides. Which amazingly enough got a foot or two up at one point. So we went to bed and the next morning it was still there. So we built a little ramp (thanks to youtube for the idea) with pegs so it was easy to climb up. That next night I stayed up until midnight trying to get that skunk to climb up the ramp. After watching youtube and realizing that skunks don't like to spray very often I took a long stick and tried to push it over to the ramp but that subborn skunk would not budge an inch. I was pushing him pretty hard but alas I had no luck. So I ended up going to bed. The next morning he was gone! Yay!!! So no smelly basement and house.

I can't figure out how to delete pictures once I have added them so anyway same picture.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What we have been doing

So we have been doing a lot the past two weeks. We went to Ogden, UT for Blake's grandpa's 90th birthday party. We drove down Sat. and drove back Sun. Then four days later we drove to Salt Lake to see his sister come home from her mission and spent the night then drove home again. Unfortunatly I didn't get any pictures from the 90th birthday party but here are a few from the mission pick up. This is one of two cousins, my little Brooklyn and Blake's cousin's baby. They are a day apart.
This is Jessica and her nieces and nephews

Here is Kaden with two of his cousins being silly on the floor of the kitchen

Then one day I decided to try a photo shoot of Brooklyn but I really didn't get any good shots because it is hard to pose a little baby.

I love this face! She looks like she is saying "I don't know about this mom."

Blake took Kaden skiing for the first time so I had to go see even though I had a two week old baby. I found a front row parking spot right next to the bunny hill so I could see them skiing and then left Brooklyn in the car for a few minutes so that I could go take some pictures and video. Kaden loved skiing.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Kaden's baby picture

So I decided to post Kaden's baby picture so you could see the fuzzy back he had too and the hair. Brooklyn has more dark hair though.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A week and two days old now

Here are some pictures from the week (2 of them are the same because I can't figure out how to delete it):

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Baby Pictures

Brooklyn Marie was born Friday morning at 9:29 am. She weighed 6lbs. 11oz. The exact same weight as Kaden when he was born. She was 20 1/2 inches long. My active labor from when my water broke til she was born was 6 1/2 hours and super super intense pain. Whole different experience from Kaden's delivery. With Kaden my active labor was 12 hours and not very painful until I was 8 cm and then it was tough but not super super intense. This one just was awful the entire time. So, I am proud to say that I did the whole thing natural with no help except with the loving touch from my wonderful husband to support me. I was only dilated to a 3 when I went to the hospital already in pain. At 7 cm I decided to get in the tub and that was nice (wish my would have done that earlier). The doctor came at that time and said she would be back in 2 hours and I was thinking 2 HOURS ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! I can't do this any longer!!! The next contraction after she walked out the door I felt like pushing. So Blake jumped up and opened the door to get the doctor. She came back and checked my again saying I was an 8 almost a 9 and that I would be having the baby within the hour. She left again and the next two contractions I just wanted to push and I felt like the baby's head was coming out. The nurses came in and we need her out or that tub now! Brooklyn almost came out in the jacuzzi tub but the nurses won't let me and made Blake carry/drag me to the room (because I was in no condition or strength to climb out of the tub and walk myself across the hall to the delivery bed.) I wanted so bad to just push that baby out in the tub. I was vetoed!!! Well, the nurse checked me and said you're there you can push. So I pushed super hard that next contraction and the one after then the nurse said stop pushing. You have to stop pushing (as she is holding the baby's head from coming anymore.) That was awful!! All those women who have had baby's know you can't just stop pushing. She told Blake to make me stop pushing and he is thinking uhhh, okay, how. So he got in my face staring at me eye to eye telling me to focus on my breathing. The doctor walked in put on her gloves said okay you can push and I pushed with all I had. I have never used so much strength in my life because I did not want to have one more contraction so out she came with that one last push. So yes, the doctor literally walked in and caught the baby. I had no rips, tears or hemorrhaging. That was awesome to hear because I tore bad with Kaden and had to have 2 pints of blood in me afterwards. Then she told me that was a perfect delivery and that she hardly ever uses the word perfect but that was perfect. She came out a healthly little baby. So here are some pictures:

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Going to the doctor

I have been told by the doctor to get over there right now. My contractions haven't gotten any more painful but they are about 3 minutes apart. So I'm off to drive myself over the pass to get checked out. Wish my luck!!!

Still at home

Well, I woke up three times having to pee and still having contractions last night but they didn't get any worse or more frequent. This morning I am still having contractions but I haven't been timing them. I sent Blake off to work so if I really do go into labor today then I will be driving myself and Kaden over the pass to Jackson, which is a 40 min drive. I'm not too worried about that unless my contractions hit really hard all of a sudden. My mom is hoping that I last a couple more days because she has things to do at home still. I don't think I will last that long but we'll see. I will post tonight if I'm still here.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It might be tonight?

Well, it is 10:25 pm Wednesday night and I have had contractions for the last 2 1/2 hours almost constantly anywhere from 2 to 4 minutes apart. They aren't painful so I'm going to go to bed and see what happens. If I'm still here in the morning I'll post again but if not then I'm in the hospital hopefully with a baby in my arms (just high hopes this labor will go fast). Tat Tat for now!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hanging out

This baby is still hanging out in my belly. Last Thursday, I was up most of the night with contractions but they weren't constant and nothing came of it just no sleep!!
Blake got our guest/grandma's room all painted so my mom could have a brighter room to sleep in when she comes. It is in the basement and was a nasty brown that made it look so dark, so we painted it white. And those who know all the colors I have painted the rest of my house are probably shocked to hear I painted a room white. Well, I WILL be using color in my bedding and decor for the room. But the room looks so much brighter which is super nice. Blake also painted his old childhood dresser white for the baby, so that is happy. I want to stencil some flowers or something on it too.
Okay it is 11:15 pm and I'm going to bed.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

I'm still here!!!

For any of you who read my last post and were wondering if those contractions went anywhere, no they didn't. I was pretty sure they wouldn't but thought that all of you might be wondering. I've got to get ready for church and finish preparing a lesson for my little 4 year olds at church, so I'll post later.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Doctor's Appointment

So I had my 36th week appointment today with the strep B test and check. This is the same time that I went into labor with Kaden. I had my Strep B test and went into labor that night. Well, today I was only dialated to 1 cm but still very thick so the doctor said she would be very surprised if I had this baby in a couple of days. She also said "but we all know you aren't going to make it to your due date."
Tonight, I have been cleaning up my office which was a disaster with papers and stuff all over the floor. As I was bending up and down walking back and forth I was having brackston hicks contraction constantly so I had to sit and rest for a while. They slowed down some but I'm still having them. I keep saying I'm ready to be done but I really don't want this baby to come tonight. I still have things to get ready, like pack bags, wash car seat cover, get the crib ready, we have dresser that we need to repaint so I have a place to put all the clothes. Anyway, I don't think that this baby is coming tonight but the contractions are annoying.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Here is an updated picture for those of you who want to see how big I am. I'm in my last month hoping that this baby comes in a couple of weeks.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Blog

So I decided to change my blog to blogspot because I realized that everyone else had it and I was the only one that was on just Since I have not updated in a very long time here is a quick review for 2009 until now.
In the beginning of 2009 Blake was working for Latino Resource Center and also recieved a job at the counseling center using his masters degree and his spanish. I was continuing to get blood draws from a molar pregnancy that I had in 2008 waiting until June to get the go ahead that I could get pregnant again. Blake left the Latino Resource Center to focus on counseling and our business.
In March, we had an employee/friend come live with us because we had not had any work for him the whole winter in our log home maintenance business. In April and May we started to get a few jobs and he moved out the 1st of June. That was interesting because he doesn't speak English and I don't speak Spanish but we managed. It was nice though because he would help clean the house and watch Kaden and cook sometimes.
June was the month I was told I had to wait for to get pregnany again but when that time came the doctor said one more month but I refused and because they didn't have any real reason for it other than it was extra precaution. Whatever, didn't care.
In July, found out I was pregnant the day before Blake and I were off on a Pioneer Trek with the youth to Martin's Cove. Barely survived that trip. Two weeks later in August went to girls camp and later that month went to Bear Lake for boat trip with Blake's family.
October, we went to Disneyland with my family. I got sick the night we flew in and was miserable the whole trip which really stunk because I was the most excited to go other than my brother, who was giddy like a school boy. Kaden had fun though and had his first airplane ride that trip and did great. We also bought our first home in October and love it.
Since then all our time is spent working on our house and making it ours, waiting for this baby to come, and working. The baby is due March 26th and is suppose to be a little girl. There is a long update on our 2009 year.