Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Prego update

So I have 6 weeks to my due date but hopefully this one follows suit with my other two and is two weeks early then it is only 4 weeks left.  I am still doing a home birth and excited to see how that goes.  I am feeling pretty good.  The only real complaint is that I wish I could sleep all through the night without tossing and turning.  But we are finally getting Brooklyn to sleep through the night by putting an air filter in her room for white noise and using lavender oil on her.  So I am excited for that!  Now to get some sleep myself before the baby comes.  

Friday, March 15, 2013

What's Happening with the Hansen's?

We finally closed on our refinance!!!  When we started we were told the goal was to close the end of January and here it is middle of March.  Well, it took forever but it is done and we are super excited.  We went from a 5.25% 30 year loan to 2.875% 15 year loan!!!  YEA!!!!!
I have less then 2 months, about 7 1/2 weeks  to go in this pregnancy.  But in my head I am saying I only have five weeks left because both Kaden and Brooklyn came two weeks early so I am just going to assume this one will be also.  Even though I know it isn't a for sure thing because every baby comes on it's own time.  We don't know for sure what it is so it will be a surprise.  I had my brother-in-law do an ultrasound at 16 weeks which is really too early to tell but he claimed it a girl at that point.  So we shall see!  I am still doing a home birth and plan on having the baby in my bathtub.  I will have to make sure I post and let you all know how it goes.
So there is so much I can post about but it is 9:00pm and I need to get my kids to bed.