Sunday, May 29, 2011

The what's going on

It was snowing again when we woke up this morning!! UUG! Well, church was cancelled this morning because the coal furnance ran out of coal and made the building smokey. That was unexpected so it has been a very slow and boring day without church to pass some time. Blake and I are primary teachers for the 4 & 5 year olds. And guess how many kids we have this year? Fourteen!!! We usually have an average of 12 every week! So we not only get the biggest class but the 4 year olds that come from sunbeams with snack and playtime still and not in kindergarten yet to learn to sit still. We by far have the most challenging class but I tell Blake that we are probably some of the only people that could handle it and that is why we have the calling. Blake is awesome with kids and can handle the disiplining well and I have my degree in Elementary Ed so I can make the lessons fun and interesting. It is pretty good except that my own kids frustrate me in sacrament meeting before I even get to primary.

So I guess this is a good spot to talk about my kids. Brooklyn is now 1 year and 2 1/2 months. She still is not saying words but she babbles alot. She loves to play outside and with our kittys. She has recently started playing with baby dolls which is super cute. She makes me smile lots.

Kaden can be a fun little boy but he is constantly picking on and being mean to Brooklyn and everything that I ask and tell him to do is a fight. EVERYTHING!!! It is super annoying and makes me not want to be a mom anymore. You think that I am exaggerating when I say everything but I'm not. Simple things like "go get your shoes on please" or " will you pick that toy up and put it away please." It is frustrating. I have tried so many things and I have not found anything to work. Kaden is very much ADD which he inherited from his father so that doesn't make things any better. And I know that is why I have such a hard time with him. But the times that he is nice and fun it's wonderful. So that is a little on Kaden. This is just a picture of me and him having some ice cream on the front porch.

Blake is a super super busy with work. We have 6 or 7 jobs with Log Care that have to be done by the middle of June. Our main worker quit on us right before this jobs so that makes things a 100 times worse. Blake also works 15 hours at the counseling center so he can't be at the job site some days. We are super grateful for all the work, it is just that everyone needs it done NOW! So he continues to work late and on Saturdays. I just hope that after we get these jobs done there will be more after that since we'll be finished middle of June. Blake is also applying for his dream job but that is all I'm going to say right now. He doesn't think that he will get it but if he does it will change our lives in a totally different direction.

I am doing the same things, Log Care work, essential oils, and kids. Two friends and I are now renting an office space in Jackson and holding weekly oil events to get the word out about reinventing healthcare with essential oils. Because your healthcare system = medication. Pharmaceutical companies make the medication doctors prescribe them and patients use them. It isn't make your country any healthier, it is making us unhealthier. So we are trying to let people know that there is a safe and natural alternative that works and heals your body. We are super excited for your office. We painted had new carpet put in and are decorating it. It is looking good and it is so fun being able to have this adventure with my friends. None of us have done something like this before other than me and Log Care, Inc. But this is totally different and exciting.