Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Kaden's baby picture

So I decided to post Kaden's baby picture so you could see the fuzzy back he had too and the hair. Brooklyn has more dark hair though.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A week and two days old now

Here are some pictures from the week (2 of them are the same because I can't figure out how to delete it):

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Baby Pictures

Brooklyn Marie was born Friday morning at 9:29 am. She weighed 6lbs. 11oz. The exact same weight as Kaden when he was born. She was 20 1/2 inches long. My active labor from when my water broke til she was born was 6 1/2 hours and super super intense pain. Whole different experience from Kaden's delivery. With Kaden my active labor was 12 hours and not very painful until I was 8 cm and then it was tough but not super super intense. This one just was awful the entire time. So, I am proud to say that I did the whole thing natural with no help except with the loving touch from my wonderful husband to support me. I was only dilated to a 3 when I went to the hospital already in pain. At 7 cm I decided to get in the tub and that was nice (wish my would have done that earlier). The doctor came at that time and said she would be back in 2 hours and I was thinking 2 HOURS ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! I can't do this any longer!!! The next contraction after she walked out the door I felt like pushing. So Blake jumped up and opened the door to get the doctor. She came back and checked my again saying I was an 8 almost a 9 and that I would be having the baby within the hour. She left again and the next two contractions I just wanted to push and I felt like the baby's head was coming out. The nurses came in and we need her out or that tub now! Brooklyn almost came out in the jacuzzi tub but the nurses won't let me and made Blake carry/drag me to the room (because I was in no condition or strength to climb out of the tub and walk myself across the hall to the delivery bed.) I wanted so bad to just push that baby out in the tub. I was vetoed!!! Well, the nurse checked me and said you're there you can push. So I pushed super hard that next contraction and the one after then the nurse said stop pushing. You have to stop pushing (as she is holding the baby's head from coming anymore.) That was awful!! All those women who have had baby's know you can't just stop pushing. She told Blake to make me stop pushing and he is thinking uhhh, okay, how. So he got in my face staring at me eye to eye telling me to focus on my breathing. The doctor walked in put on her gloves said okay you can push and I pushed with all I had. I have never used so much strength in my life because I did not want to have one more contraction so out she came with that one last push. So yes, the doctor literally walked in and caught the baby. I had no rips, tears or hemorrhaging. That was awesome to hear because I tore bad with Kaden and had to have 2 pints of blood in me afterwards. Then she told me that was a perfect delivery and that she hardly ever uses the word perfect but that was perfect. She came out a healthly little baby. So here are some pictures:

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Going to the doctor

I have been told by the doctor to get over there right now. My contractions haven't gotten any more painful but they are about 3 minutes apart. So I'm off to drive myself over the pass to get checked out. Wish my luck!!!

Still at home

Well, I woke up three times having to pee and still having contractions last night but they didn't get any worse or more frequent. This morning I am still having contractions but I haven't been timing them. I sent Blake off to work so if I really do go into labor today then I will be driving myself and Kaden over the pass to Jackson, which is a 40 min drive. I'm not too worried about that unless my contractions hit really hard all of a sudden. My mom is hoping that I last a couple more days because she has things to do at home still. I don't think I will last that long but we'll see. I will post tonight if I'm still here.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It might be tonight?

Well, it is 10:25 pm Wednesday night and I have had contractions for the last 2 1/2 hours almost constantly anywhere from 2 to 4 minutes apart. They aren't painful so I'm going to go to bed and see what happens. If I'm still here in the morning I'll post again but if not then I'm in the hospital hopefully with a baby in my arms (just high hopes this labor will go fast). Tat Tat for now!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hanging out

This baby is still hanging out in my belly. Last Thursday, I was up most of the night with contractions but they weren't constant and nothing came of it just no sleep!!
Blake got our guest/grandma's room all painted so my mom could have a brighter room to sleep in when she comes. It is in the basement and was a nasty brown that made it look so dark, so we painted it white. And those who know all the colors I have painted the rest of my house are probably shocked to hear I painted a room white. Well, I WILL be using color in my bedding and decor for the room. But the room looks so much brighter which is super nice. Blake also painted his old childhood dresser white for the baby, so that is happy. I want to stencil some flowers or something on it too.
Okay it is 11:15 pm and I'm going to bed.