Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Family Pictures

A college roommate and her husband came up to take some family pictures for us. And they turned out great! Here are some of them:

I have seen picture like this and have always wanted one. So here it is. I just wish Blake didn't look so stiff. He blames it on concentrating on getting the kids off the tramp. But anyways I like it.

I have a ton of random pictures of Blake and Kaden on his shoulders, so I wanted one with Brooklyn.

Brooklyn would not stay still!!! So this is what we got which I think is cute anyway.

She has some pretty big blue eyes that I love!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Blake's New Toy

Well, I gave in a let Blake buy a new toy. It really wasn't much of a fight. But his dad was selling his motorcycle so Blake decided after borrowing it for a week or two that he had to have it. I must admit that the gas mileage is very nice. He gets 45 or so miles to the gallon. And since he drives over the pass almost everyday it saves a TON on gas. I just don't think about him driving a motorcycle because then I will just worry about him everyday. Here is one picture we took of me with the bike.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The what's going on

It was snowing again when we woke up this morning!! UUG! Well, church was cancelled this morning because the coal furnance ran out of coal and made the building smokey. That was unexpected so it has been a very slow and boring day without church to pass some time. Blake and I are primary teachers for the 4 & 5 year olds. And guess how many kids we have this year? Fourteen!!! We usually have an average of 12 every week! So we not only get the biggest class but the 4 year olds that come from sunbeams with snack and playtime still and not in kindergarten yet to learn to sit still. We by far have the most challenging class but I tell Blake that we are probably some of the only people that could handle it and that is why we have the calling. Blake is awesome with kids and can handle the disiplining well and I have my degree in Elementary Ed so I can make the lessons fun and interesting. It is pretty good except that my own kids frustrate me in sacrament meeting before I even get to primary.

So I guess this is a good spot to talk about my kids. Brooklyn is now 1 year and 2 1/2 months. She still is not saying words but she babbles alot. She loves to play outside and with our kittys. She has recently started playing with baby dolls which is super cute. She makes me smile lots.

Kaden can be a fun little boy but he is constantly picking on and being mean to Brooklyn and everything that I ask and tell him to do is a fight. EVERYTHING!!! It is super annoying and makes me not want to be a mom anymore. You think that I am exaggerating when I say everything but I'm not. Simple things like "go get your shoes on please" or " will you pick that toy up and put it away please." It is frustrating. I have tried so many things and I have not found anything to work. Kaden is very much ADD which he inherited from his father so that doesn't make things any better. And I know that is why I have such a hard time with him. But the times that he is nice and fun it's wonderful. So that is a little on Kaden. This is just a picture of me and him having some ice cream on the front porch.

Blake is a super super busy with work. We have 6 or 7 jobs with Log Care that have to be done by the middle of June. Our main worker quit on us right before this jobs so that makes things a 100 times worse. Blake also works 15 hours at the counseling center so he can't be at the job site some days. We are super grateful for all the work, it is just that everyone needs it done NOW! So he continues to work late and on Saturdays. I just hope that after we get these jobs done there will be more after that since we'll be finished middle of June. Blake is also applying for his dream job but that is all I'm going to say right now. He doesn't think that he will get it but if he does it will change our lives in a totally different direction.

I am doing the same things, Log Care work, essential oils, and kids. Two friends and I are now renting an office space in Jackson and holding weekly oil events to get the word out about reinventing healthcare with essential oils. Because your healthcare system = medication. Pharmaceutical companies make the medication doctors prescribe them and patients use them. It isn't make your country any healthier, it is making us unhealthier. So we are trying to let people know that there is a safe and natural alternative that works and heals your body. We are super excited for your office. We painted had new carpet put in and are decorating it. It is looking good and it is so fun being able to have this adventure with my friends. None of us have done something like this before other than me and Log Care, Inc. But this is totally different and exciting.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ok for a quick update. So here in the little town of Victor the snow will not stop coming. It is almost May!!! Easter was a beautiful day full of sunshine and warm weather that we spent pretty much the whole day after church outside. We even had a picnic. Then of course it had to snow the next day and there are chances of snow throughout the rest of the week.
For our log home maintenance business we did two homeshows two weeks in a row and got a good about of interest for us to come do bids. So hopefully we get a lot of those jobs. I just started blasting handrails on a hotel in Jackson and they said if we impress them with this job they will let us do the blasting on their other huge hotel in Jackson. That will be a huge job will be awesome to get. Blake at the same time is still working at the Counseling Center full time for another 2 1/2 weeks which makes things tough to manage our crew.
As for me, I am doing the office work for our business, taking care of kids, and building my essential oil business! I love this business and their products. They continue to amaze me at how powerful they are. I love sharing them with others and do classes often. I did a community class in Jackson and have another one here in Victor on May 4th. And then I do small ones in my home.
I have to tell about my last class I did. I went to our employees home and did a class for their extended family. Well, one of the aunts said she has constant shoulder pain in both shoulders, so I had her put on a blend called Deep Blue (for muscle and joint pain) in a couple of minutes she said the pain had dimished tremendously. Then I was giving her a sample of Basil for her shoulder pain to and talked about how you can use it for earaches. She said she had an earache for about two weeks now. So she put some basil on her ear and within a minute the pain was gone. Then the mother said her ear had been hurting too and she used it!! Voila pain gone. Then on top of that the aunt asked about headaches because she had a headache at that moment also. Well, I had her put on a blend called Past Tense and again with in minutes it was gone. AMAZING!!! Love it! I thank Heavenly Father everyday in my prayers for bringing these oils into my life. I love that they are completely natural and that DoTerra goes above and beyond to make sure they are the purest oils on the market.
Ok, enough about oils but that is all I think about now a days because they are a huge part of my life.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gift of the Earth

Kaden sleeping through the night, sore throat gone in less then a minute, pain from burn gone in seconds with no after math, Blake's ADD controlled, strep throat gone in two days without antibiotics, coughs suppressed, fever gone in minutes, and much more. How am I doing this? DoTerra essential oils!!! I love them! They are the purest essential oils in the world. You can't find any more effective and beneficial ones out there. Essential oils have so many medicinal benefits. They are truely amazing and I'm so greatful that Heavenly Father has given us this gift. I no longer have to put synthetic drugs in my body that has toxins in it. Toxins are everyway. They are in the chemicals we clean with, medications, pollution, etc. Toxins are what cause illness and sickness in our bodies. So the less toxins we are exposed to the healthier we will be. So I use these oils daily. You can clean with them too!
There was a hospital in Colorado that was going to be shut down because they had 13 strains of MRSA (a very dangerous staph infection which is often fatal). They went in to test out DoTerra essential oils. A blend called On Guard killed all 13 strains. Awesome!!! Anyway they work I see it day after day and they amaze me with how FAST they work. It is almost scary crazy. One example, I had a pounding headache one day. The one that when you lay down it pounds worse. Well, I went for my oils and put some behind my ears, put the cap back on and laid down. The pounding was gone. Really like 5 or 10 seconds and the pounding was gone. My mouth was dropped, I couldn't believe it. Okay one more experience. Kaden had a fever one day of 102.something. I took out my peppermint and put on the bottom of his feet. Two or three minutes later I checked his temp and it was down to 99. AMAZING!!! The thing I love is they are totally safe and natural with no sythetics and you can use them as often as needed. None of this 4-6 hour stuff. So you don't have to watch your child suffer as the doses wears off and you have to wait a couple more hours for the next doses. A word of caution for those who want or do use essential oils is you will probably not get the full effective benefit unless you use the highest quality oils. DoTerra goes above and beyond the standard testing to make sure that there are no sythetics and that all the correct compounds are in the oils. The standards only require certain tests and then a company can slap on a 100% pure sticker on it when they have no idea if it is because they did not do the other test that tells you it is or not. So they could be 100% synthetic but the sticker says 100% pure. I will stop typing now because I know some of you don't care but for those of you who do and want to learn more I would be more than happy to share it with you. Just let me know! They have made my life soooo much better in so many ways. You can go to this website to check it out www. mydoterra.com/alisha.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hunting 2010

Since I am awful at blogging I will only highlight some of our adventures. In October we went hunting with my Grandma and her husband Mike. We camped out in a tent trailer from Sunday til Friday. Yes, I went camping that long with a 7 month old and almost 4 year old. People didn't think that I would last but I did. It was very cold up in the mountains in Oct. So we spent most of our time in Grandmas trailer with the heater on. Grandma and Kaden went for their daily walks and collected mushrooms. There were mushrooms everywhere!!! It was amazing. Also Kaden had a blast feeding the birds and chipmunks with Grandmas 50 lbs. bag of food. This was Blake's first REAL hunting trip. He wasn't doing so well until I went out with him the day before we left. He had some amazing chances to shoot but missed. Then 15 minutes with me he got one. We won't mention that it was a little bambi but there was no way to tell from that far away and it was running. The worst part about the whole thing was that it was not died when we walked up to it. Mike made Blake slit its throat with a knife. The moaning that came from that deer with heart wrenching. I had to hold back the tears. Then I watched as he gutted it. That was disgusting but interesting. Then Mike made me hold the heart!!! So that is all I going to tell about that trip. It was fun but cold.

Grandma don't shoot me for putting up this picture. Kaden says he loves this picture because he is going under and you are going over.