Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gift of the Earth

Kaden sleeping through the night, sore throat gone in less then a minute, pain from burn gone in seconds with no after math, Blake's ADD controlled, strep throat gone in two days without antibiotics, coughs suppressed, fever gone in minutes, and much more. How am I doing this? DoTerra essential oils!!! I love them! They are the purest essential oils in the world. You can't find any more effective and beneficial ones out there. Essential oils have so many medicinal benefits. They are truely amazing and I'm so greatful that Heavenly Father has given us this gift. I no longer have to put synthetic drugs in my body that has toxins in it. Toxins are everyway. They are in the chemicals we clean with, medications, pollution, etc. Toxins are what cause illness and sickness in our bodies. So the less toxins we are exposed to the healthier we will be. So I use these oils daily. You can clean with them too!
There was a hospital in Colorado that was going to be shut down because they had 13 strains of MRSA (a very dangerous staph infection which is often fatal). They went in to test out DoTerra essential oils. A blend called On Guard killed all 13 strains. Awesome!!! Anyway they work I see it day after day and they amaze me with how FAST they work. It is almost scary crazy. One example, I had a pounding headache one day. The one that when you lay down it pounds worse. Well, I went for my oils and put some behind my ears, put the cap back on and laid down. The pounding was gone. Really like 5 or 10 seconds and the pounding was gone. My mouth was dropped, I couldn't believe it. Okay one more experience. Kaden had a fever one day of 102.something. I took out my peppermint and put on the bottom of his feet. Two or three minutes later I checked his temp and it was down to 99. AMAZING!!! The thing I love is they are totally safe and natural with no sythetics and you can use them as often as needed. None of this 4-6 hour stuff. So you don't have to watch your child suffer as the doses wears off and you have to wait a couple more hours for the next doses. A word of caution for those who want or do use essential oils is you will probably not get the full effective benefit unless you use the highest quality oils. DoTerra goes above and beyond the standard testing to make sure that there are no sythetics and that all the correct compounds are in the oils. The standards only require certain tests and then a company can slap on a 100% pure sticker on it when they have no idea if it is because they did not do the other test that tells you it is or not. So they could be 100% synthetic but the sticker says 100% pure. I will stop typing now because I know some of you don't care but for those of you who do and want to learn more I would be more than happy to share it with you. Just let me know! They have made my life soooo much better in so many ways. You can go to this website to check it out www.